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3 Outstanding Benefits of Golf Course Photography

Posted by on March 21, 2021

golf course photographyIf you’re wondering which field of photography to choose as a career, you can consider golf course photography. If you haven’t yet taken it seriously, you should understand that golf course owners are constantly looking for new ways to promote their courses to golf-lovers. So far, aerial images were an expensive affair and usually wasn’t actually worth the time, money and effort since the images were taken from so high up that they lost their charm along the way. However, the latest technology has brought in drones which capture every angle of the golf course and are extremely useful in promoting the course. Here’s what golf course photography can do for golf course owners and why you should consider taking it as a career.

1. Photos and Videos for Marketing

Golf course photography done with drones is a quick, easy and safe way to collect photographs and videos of each hole as well as the surrounding areas and the clubhouse. The drone enables the photographer to capture stunning and unique images and footages that the golf course owners or club managers can use in all their marketing and advertising campaigns including, video marketing, website content etc.

golf drone USA

2. Aerial 3D Mapping of Each Hole

Drones are fitted with specialized equipment with which the photographer can collect data on each hole so as to create 3D maps of each hole that can give the customer the virtual experience and feel of knowing the golf course as if they have played it. These maps can be made available on the your client’s website so that they can offer an interactive journey for the user, and thus differentiate your client’s course from their competitors’. A user can get a clear idea of the entire course, one hole at a time and understand exactly how to play it when they actually show up at the course.

This data can also become useful to your client to potentially develop a mobile app for their course that their members and would-be clients could download and review live while playing the course, thus offering them a unique benefit.

golf course photogrammetry

3. Ease of Maintenance and Management

The golf course photography can give your clients the essential data in the form of photogrammetry maps to make the maintenance of their golf course easy and cost effective. This is because the data can show them which holes needs irrigation and which ones don’t. They are also able to see how the irrigation flowed from one area to the next and which area would need it on a more consistent basis. Merely this data can enable your client to determine priority areas and make the entire maintenance schedule easier and more efficient.

So, don’t you find the field of golf course photography lucrative? It is so and you should consider it while choosing a photography career. All the best!