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Aerial – Preparation Tips

Posted by on November 2, 2012

If you are into photography and videography, you are already aware of the fact that only thing that can make your images and videos perfect is practice. Of course, if you have a talent, motivation and creativity. When it comes to aerial photography, “practice makes perfect” is even truer. If you are a novice in this field, you should be patient. Try not to set your goals too high and eventually you will become really good at it. For the beginning, achieving focused images is enough and this is possible if you get the right shutter aperture and speed. After you succeed in that, think about framing. We will try to share some useful tips to help you get really nice aerial video or photos as soon as possible.

Prepare yourself well! You will surely be informed where you will fly, so why not make a list of the desired shots before getting on a plane/helicopter? Keep in mind that you will have only few moments for the shot. Thanks to the Google map, you will be able to see everything worth shooting, so mark those lovely spots on a map. Even though aeronautical map is better, the ordinary one will do the job, also. If you plan everything well, when you get your position, you will from which side you will get the best shots of certain spots. If you are interested in aerial photography and videography, you are likely to be well-oriented, however, the best way to localize where you are is to keep an eye on lakes, woods, rivers, towns and railways and motorways. Well prepared photographer has an extra time to test and set the camera before the arrival at the right position to take a shot. This means you will have have enough time not only to shoot and film, but also to enjoy the view and the flight.