Author Archives: Neeta
4 Amazing Ideas for Using Photos for Home Décor
A professional photographer captures people’s photos and sends them hard and soft copies of those photos. No doubt, it’s wonderful to show these photos to one’s near and dear ones whenever there is a get together. But how about decorating one’s home with these photos? Today’s incredible technology has made it possible to decorate home … Continue reading
Useful Dos and Don’ts to Follow to Become a Successful Product Photographer
Anyone will agree that unless we don’t see a product with our own eyes, we are quite hesitant to buy that product. Here’s where, product photography steps in. Although if the customer can’t actually see a product, but can see its images, the images can give them a fair idea of how the product is … Continue reading
3 Outstanding Benefits of Golf Course Photography
If you’re wondering which field of photography to choose as a career, you can consider golf course photography. If you haven’t yet taken it seriously, you should understand that golf course owners are constantly looking for new ways to promote their courses to golf-lovers. So far, aerial images were an expensive affair and usually wasn’t … Continue reading
Street Photography from Frankfurt – Photos, Tips and Advice by a Leading Photographer
Although Frankfurt has been left with a very little of its original glory due to the destruction in the WWII, the city surprisingly rebuilt itself as a financial capital and earned a status comparable to New York with numerous skyscrapers. Plus, it has the Main River having countless magnificent bridges. As per, the leading Frankfurt … Continue reading
5 Useful Tips from Experts about Framing and Hanging Photos and Artworks
Have you an excellent photo or photos or artworks lying in your house without a frame? If you have, you might have thought many times to get a beautiful frame for it and hang it on the walls to get admiration from your guests. But alas, frames are so pricey! Moreover, there are so many … Continue reading
3 Useful Tips to Help You Capture Top Family Photographs
A family is one of the best things in the world. No wonder, photographing families is sheer joy. Especially if the photographer sets a connection between them and their subjects, they can capture top family photos.
Kleptofinder – Enjoy Having Your Digital Property Totally In Your Custody
If you’re a creative photographer and feel proud of your work, it’s certainly painful to see your work stolen and republished without your consent. Of course, there are various tools available on the internet to find that, but they need you to upload your photos and the search of all your photos becomes quite cumbersome. … Continue reading
5 Important Factors You Should Consider to Design an Impressive Photography Business Card
A business card is not only the first step towards the marketing of your business but also a surefire way to attract people towards your business. A photography business is no exception; it also needs a killer business card to give your business a strong boost. A good business card can be your best marketing … Continue reading