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What is there in Glamour Photography?

Posted by on September 6, 2012

Glamour photography comes under romantic, sexy form of photography, you can call it erotic but it is not pornography. It has been very common for models and movie stars to pose for glamour shots since many years. Because of the charm of glamour photography, many ads make use of glamour photography to attract the interest and eyes of people.

Because glamour photography is displayed in advertisements, magazines and other popularly spread mediums, it is a profitable industry. As a result, numerous institutions of higher education officer courses in glamour photography.

History of glamour Photography

Glamour photography gets redefined by every generation based on political and social flow of the time. Images of ‘pinup’ girls were thought glamorous during 1940s. Photos of Betty Grable were one of the very popular models of glamour photography, from the era of war, glamour photography showcased models either completely dressed or wearing swimsuits.

Glamour photography has turned more amoral over the time. Models were posing for glamour shots in smaller bathing suits, lacy lingerie, partially nude and skimpier clothing by 1960s. Women have been the subject of glamour photography from long time. Though women are still posing for glamour photography today, mean are acquiring a powerful presence in this field these days.

Glamour Photography and Pornography are not same

Though posing for glamour photography can sometimes include posing partially clothes or nude, it is can’t be compared to pornography. Glamour photography includes erotic pictures captured within a general harmony of good taste. A beautiful photo in an evening gown can as glamorous as a nude photo that hides the important body parts of models.

Glamour photography depends on the suggestion power, pointing to curves and erotic zones without showing much graphic details. Therefore, glamour photographs feature a tone of romance and secret, as much as physical appeal. Playfulness is also an important aspect of glamour photography, as if the model is teasing the viewer. The gawkiness of pornography should not come in glamour photography.

Along with the model other factors like soft filters and light lighting are also the important features of glamour photography shots. Locations of glamour photography are either inside the studio or somewhere out in exotic locations.