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5 Excellent Tips for Outstanding Product Photography

Posted by on December 14, 2017

Coconut Product Photography servicesThere are some basics of good product photography which are known to most photographers. Examples are setting camera to the widest aperture, using a tripod, generating an out-of-focus background, using a white background and so on.

But for creating exclusive product photos, should you do something more? Yes, for creating photos that are featured in ads or in a catalog for top brands, here are a few tips shared with us by Coconut Product Photography who offer product photography services across the US.

1. Hang Products

Hanging products is not an uncommon thing. However, creative hanging is. You may hang the product sideways, upside down or in a unique location. Use creativity in what you will use for hanging because that will be a part of the photo. It may be rope or wires, but should indicate something fun and even sexy. Play around and take more images than required. And make sure you pay attention to lighting.

2. Use Weird Angles

It’s a normal practice of most photographers to keep their camera at the same level as that of the product so that the image comes out at eye level. Mostly weird angles are avoided to avoid the risk of distorting the product. However, sometimes it’s good to get away with this, particularly if you want distortion or if the product is difficult to distort. You may even hang the product and then shoot it from above or underneath.

3. Macro Shots

Remember that most macro shots will perhaps need to be used in conjunction with normal product shots. However, they can be great for a series of images for example, for a catalog’s feature page or a catchy poster ad. Make sure you create outstanding lighting so that even the smallest detail will show up.

4. Show a Weird Use of the Product

Jot down every use of your product. You may start with the obvious uses. But as you go on, some weird ideas may come to your mind. In the end, go through the list and mark ideas that have a power for a unique photo shoot. You may require to do some illustration/editing or set/costume design with this. But plan out the full idea before you start the shoot.

5. Interesting Backgrounds

Most product photographers follow the rule of plain background so that the product catches all the attention. However, using unique backgrounds and using props with the product in fact can add great interest and even improve the look of the product.

Trigger your creativity with these tips and your product photographs will become outstanding so as to catch everyone’s eye!