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The Detail Shots of the Wedding Rings – Tips and Tricks

Posted by on December 26, 2014
Image by Toronto Aperture

Image by Toronto Aperture

Being a wedding photographer is not easy as it seems. Wedding couple has been focusing on every little detail of their big day and they feel proud about it, hence they want to have a record of it – beautiful photos. Although a photographer has to catch emotions and atmosphere, without those lovely details, a wedding photo album wouldn’t be complete. We would like to share a few useful tips on detail shots of the wedding rings.

When making the detail images of wedding rings, there are several things to aim for: context, great lightning and different angles. What do we mean by context? It can be photographing the wedding rings in or with the box it came in, which is especially recommended if there is a popular (luxurious) logo. Or, rings could be photographed with some other wedding day elements, such as shoes, flowers, invitations. In the photo we have presented, wonderfully taken by, the book (Romeo&Juliette) was used as the background. So, it’s important to be creative and to use anything inspires you or the couple at the moment! But, it’s not only about the background, different angles will also bring variety to the images. Therefore, it is vital to be playful and patient while looking for that perfect angle.

How to position the flash? Usually, a photographer points the camera and lens down at the rings, so flash should be in an near-upright position so that it points to the wall ahead of the photographer. You don’t have to bounce up into the ceiling to get very flat light. Bend the speedlight’s head forward so that it points towards that wall ahead of you. Piece of foam can be used as a truly inexpensive flash modifier useful in flagging on-camera flash in order to get the perfect indoor lightning.

Finally, it’s important to choose right lens – the one that will enable you to get close enough to objects as small as the wedding rings. The depth-of-field becomes incredibly small while taking macro photographs, therefore some parts of the rings have to be out of focus. Nevertheless, the important facets have to be in focus if you want the shot to work. Auto-focusing is almost useless here, because the camera will try to focus on the various facets of the diamonds which do act like small reflective mirrors. So, try to focus on the ring as well as possible. Take several shots until you make the one that is sufficiently crisp across those vital parts.