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Tips on Choosing Wedding Photography Locations

Posted by on February 20, 2017
Lucas Kraus Photography

Lucas Kraus Photography

Everything about your big day has to be perfect and wedding photography is no exception. I may be exaggerating if I say that choosing the right location for wedding photo session is as important as choosing a wedding dress, but it’s still a very important task. We’ve asked an experienced Byron Bay wedding photographer, Lucas Kraus, to share some tips with us on choosing the location for the intimate photos that will tie the whole big day together and tell your story in the most romantic and/or fun manner. 

Make it Personal. Where have you met? What do you have in common? Are there some interesting details about you two as a couple that could be emphasized by the right choice of location for a wedding photo session? Don’t go into nature just because it’s beautiful, if you’re city birds who simply love concrete and tall buildings.

Too Few or Too Many? It’s completely up to you how many location you should choose for your wedding photo session. Nevertheless, traveling to more than 2 locations can be a little bit boring, plus it takes time (you surely need for something else, don’t you?). In general maximum two locations are recommended, but it depends on your preferences. If there are 3 different nearby locations and they all matter to you as a couple, ask your photographer about their opinion because it might be doable and even fun.

Outdoors or Indoors? If you’ve been checking up wedding photography websites, you might have realized most wedding photo sessions are done outdoors. It doesn’t mean you have to do that too, but it’s good to know how experienced your photographer is when it comes to indoors wedding photography. Some professionals prefer using natural light and for them taking photos indoors is rather challenging. Any wedding photographer, however, will know how to do it, but the results might not be as you’d expected. If you still insist on indoor photography, make sure you check if that’s permitted (and not too expensive).