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Top 9 Benefits of Aerial Drone Photography to Real Estate Businesses

Posted by on June 12, 2020

Aerial drone photographyWhen it comes to real estate marketing, new technologies are fast capturing people’s attention and one of these is aerial drone photography which is taking the industry by storm. It has been observed that 83% of the real estate buyers prefer to choose agents that use aerial drone videos and stills.

Focused Aerial is a company that offers photography and marketing services to USA real estate agents. Their services include 3D virtual tours and aerial drone videos and stills for property listings. Focused Aerial pilots are FAA Part 107 Certified and fully insured. They are legally able to capture the amazing perspectives of your listing from the air. Even though exclusive properties and homes with scenic qualities can benefit the most from drone imagery, it’s been proven that an average listing is enhanced greatly by using aerial images and video. Your potential buyers will be able to imagine living in their new home as they view images from these unique perspectives.

Focused Aerial

Importance of Drones in Real Estate Sector

As such, drones are widely used for capturing sports events, films and even by some security companies. But they’re being proved highly useful and successful in the real estate sector. It has been found that homes with aerial imagery sell 68% quicker than those without one. When a home buyer wants to see a property, you can give them stunning views with drone videos and photos.

Instead of hours of photography, a drone can capture the entire plot within a few minutes.

Home buyers are so appealed by drone photography that around 83% of them are more likely to work with you if you’re using drone videos. Just with this simple gadget, you can capture the property from any angle and at any distance.

The specialty of drone photography is that it provides buyers unique insights, dynamics and movement of the property they want to look at. It will also offer a new fresh perspective to your real estate business.

Aerial drone photography greenery


How does Aerial Drone Photography Benefit Your Real Estate Business?

1. Offers a Great Viewpoint

Viewing a property from the air offers a great viewpoint to your clients. Normally, people watch the properties from the land with commonplace viewpoints. However, the aerial drone offers them a unique viewpoint which they might not have experienced before. This is naturally enough to amaze them. They are bound to be appealed by the unique viewpoint while watching the property from air.

Aerial Drone view of property

2. Shows Full Exterior

While watching the property from land, whether in still photos or in videos, buyers can watch only the house and a little extent of its exterior. However, aerial drone photography offers them the opportunity to take a look at the full exterior of the property. This not only includes the property’s own yard, but also the entire area where they might live in the future if they buy that property. They can see what types of neighborhood they would be living in, the hills, greenery, parks, lakes or rivers, roads, shops, markets, parking lots, and other houses. This surrounding area can have a great impact on buyers’ mind and can add a new perspective to their impression about the house, which can result into a positive decision.

Aerial Drone property neighborhood view

3. Highly Time-saving

Without taking a great amount of time from their work or organizing the long process of a house visit, your clients can take the aerial view of the house and can imagine how the experience of living there would be. Aerial drone photography is also time-saving for the photographer. They don’t have to organize the house visit for capturing videos or photos of the house. Instead they can just fly the drone and capture the entire area within a few minutes.

Aerial Drone property view


4. Highly Money-saving

In the olden days, people used a helicopter for aerial shots of the properties like the White House or Buckingham Palace. You can use one even today. But just imagine how much more money you can save by using a drone for the purpose than using a helicopter! Today aerial photography, which was earlier open only to the wealthy, has become possible for everyone, thanks to drones.

Aerial drone photography neighborhood

5. Unique Shots of the Property

Drones also offer the ability to the photographer to capture unique shots of the property that can’t be captured by any other technique. These include a slow-zoom straight down the street, a 360 degree panorama outside the house and close-up bird’s eye views, which were not possible before the advent of drones.

6. Compact Content

A drone offers you the ability to be short and sweet. You don’t have to create an entire album of photos of the property. Just an aerial drone video or stills and you’re done. And your clients are more than happy to watch the drone photography rather than keep watching numerous photos because it’s a great small version that gives them an exact idea of the home.

Aerial drone photography view of the property


7. Details of the Parts of the Property that a Photographer Cannot Reach

Aerial drone photography can capture the details of a property that a photographer may not be able to reach. With aerial drone photography, your clients can now watch upper floors and windows which is not possible with ordinary photography.

8. Details of the Interior

If you’re thinking how a drone can capture the interior of the house, don’t worry. Smaller drones are available for this purpose, provided the pilot is skilled and experienced enough. This is actually very appealing to your clients because it captures wider angles and more vibrant shots of the living space.

Aerial drone photography inner views

9. Gives You an Upper Hand over Your Competitors

As mentioned earlier, a major chunk of the home buyers is attracted towards real estate agents who use aerial drone photography to show around properties. Naturally when you’ll use this latest technology, you have higher chances of getting more and more customers, and thus you’ll get an edge over your business rival realtors.

Making your real estate business more and more attractive is in your hands. It depends on you whether you want to keep upgrading your business with the latest devices like drones or continue using the old-school methods. Upgrading is the way towards success – take it and be a winner!