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Commercial Photography – A Rewarding Career

Posted by on February 24, 2014

skills commercial_photographyCommercial photography need not be as daunting as one might think of it, but it can be quite well paid. You need to understand what you are doing and should have the ability to deliver on time. Commercial photographers should have a good presence of mind and get instant solutions to problems that arise abruptly. It is a field wherein a photographer should normally enter only after a few years of experience.

Commercial photography may include anything like travel, fashion, product or advertising.  Each of these needs its own set of expertise and top notch equipment.

There are high chances that your work will be displayed on the pages of glossy quality magazines or on billboards all over the town. It also might be used for a special promotion and therefore it should be the best.

Commercial Travel Photography

Travel photography sounds pretty attractive, but needs hard work too. The client may need an extremely specific type of shot which is critical to their campaign and you may be under strict deadline. Moreover weather is an important factor upon which you have to depend entirely.

If you think that travel photography is your field, you can start creating a big library of stock photos wherever you go. A time may come when you have to pull on your resources.

You normally may be working at the clients’ expenses and so have to leave home at the drop of a hat and make sure you get the required shots by thinking on your feet. You might get a huge assignment on a short notice, and so, you may have to strive for the whole day to get the desired shots. Try to give your best. You will get work again and again only if you not only deliver but over-deliver. And just think, what is a better way of traveling than to get paid for it? So, travel photography is an extremely rewarding field, despite the fact that it is quite tiring.

travel photography

Commercial Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is an indeed sought after and glamorous field which could take you to the dizzying heights of fortune and fame, though it is not necessarily that difficult to get a breakthrough.

Several magazine editors keep looking for personal recommendations for new photographers from their existing employees. However, a way to “fast-track” your career is to create an outstanding portfolio which can show your unique style of fashion photography.

A good online presence is also helpful but can be looked at as just a “calling card”. Industry people still like to see colorful large transparencies though a fine selection of nicely printed, high quality images could suffice.

Once you are ready with the portfolio, you should get in front of editors. You need to do some research regarding the editor’s name, their magazine, its circulation, if it matches with your portfolio style, etc. Remember that editors receive dozens of portfolios of aspiring photographers every month. So, if you are not selected, you should not give up.

It may be a good idea to sign up with an agency which will take care of these things for you. As they are in continuous contact with clients, the cost is well worth it.

fashion photography

Commercial Product Photography

There are normally very low chances of errors in product photography as you have to take close ups of the product and it is isolated against its background. The lighting should be spot on with a few reflections with care regarding what is actually reflected.

Clients usually have an idea of what they want, but also open to creativity as long as the theme is maintained. You may be asked to start from scratch and come up with your own ideas. Everything depends on the client and on how big the assignment is.

If you want to take up product photography, practice with your studio photography particularly with your lighting techniques.

product photography

Commercial Advertising Photography

If you want to enter in the advertising photography field, you need to be always ahead of the game to excel in this field, as it is ever changing. When you get an assignment of a latest electronic gadget, for example, you should think of its size, how it could benefit laymen, who is likely to purchase it, what are current trends, etc. Lastly you should think on how you could reach the targeted audience while showing off the benefits of that gadget. The photos should have everything that a potential shopper may want to know about the gadget, with right amount of lighting and composition.

If you have a flair for creativity and enjoy working with people and products on locations or in studios, advertising photography is for you. Keep brushing your studio/lighting skills. Study more illustrious glossies to have some ideas, and then try to work out on the ideas. Even you can imitate the images. Practice is important here.

advertising photography