Not all pictures come out perfect the first time, and in fact even some of the best professional photographers still need to make changes to get pictures they are happy with.
The main thing to remember with landscape shots is that you can have as many opportunities as you want to take lots of pictures of one thing, but it may never come out as perfect as you had hoped. The shadow and light might be all wrong, there might be people in the way, or there might be ugly objects such as telegraph poles obscuring the view.
These things don’t have to ruin a picture, and thankfully there are apps that have an eraser feature to help you get rid of anything that is unwanted in your landscape picture – check out Snapheal Pro to find out more about this type of feature.
Erasing – Using the eraser tool in a top quality piece of software is easy. And instead of erasing all the layers of one picture, it instead allows you to erase just the top layer so that you aren’t left with an image filled with blank white spots.
Using an object removal tool doesn’t necessarily mean that the background will be completely flawless however, so to make sure that your picture is top quality, you need to tweak the background with other enhancing tools to create a professional finish.
Filtering – Filters can enable you to add various effects to an image and most filters can either be applied to an entire image or you can select the part of the picture that you want to work on and make the necessary changes.
Filters allow you to add a tint to the selected area of a picture so that you can enhance a particular color. This is ideal for creating a cooling or warming effect on a landscape or snowy mountain or a sandy beach, and it can really help enhance the colors not so that they necessarily look more realistic, but so that they can look more visually appealing.
Adjusting Color – Being able to adjust color on a landscape picture is essential in being able to make the most of a photograph. When you take snaps on vacation and remember the seas to be a bright turquoise and the sky to be a vibrant blue but instead end up with washed-out colors on the final photograph, you can do something about it by adjusting the colors.
Not only can you tweak the brightness and contrast, but you can also boost colors using the slider tools which can bring out more red or cyan, magenta or green, and yellow or blue.
For portraits, you generally don’t want to be as abstract with your color choices as pictures of faces look better when they are more natural. The main tools you might need for editing pictures of people are blemish fixers or other small enhancements so that those pictures of these people can look the best.
Balance – Color casts can help you adjust balance these levels which you may have practiced with when editing your landscape pictures, is a more subtle tool when changing pictures of people. You can use the colors in a more dramatic way by mixing up color balance, but only small changes using the color sliders need to be made for naturalistic shots.
Erasing – Just like landscape pictures, you can use an eraser tool to get rid of anything in a portrait picture that you don’t like. Whether it is an out of place object in the background, various skin blemishes or even stray hairs, using an image healing tool can be the best way to make a photo truly flawless.
One of the main advantages of a tool like this is that if you do have a breakout of spots on a day where there is a special event (your birthday or a wedding for example), you can get rid of skin blemishes by using the erase tool to remove one layer of the photo to create even skin.
Effects – Adding effects to a portrait picture is great for images that are going into an album or being blown up and set on canvas. Try black and white or sepia for a truly classy look.